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[React] Projeto react criado via yarn retorna erro ao uar yarn start

Discussão em 'Mobile' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 21, 2021.

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    Stack Membro Participativo

    Todo projeto react que eu crio usando o comando yarn create react-app "nomedoapp" --template=typecript me retorna esse erro na hora de usar o yarn start


    Na minha pasta mode_modules/upath não possui a pasta build apresentada no erro, porém o arquivo .json presente na pasta upath contém isso:

    "name": "upath",
    "description": "A proxy to `path`, replacing `\\` with `/` for all results & new methods to normalize & join keeping leading `./` and add, change, default, trim file extensions.",
    "version": "1.2.0",
    "homepage": "http://github.com/anodynos/upath/",
    "author": {
    "name": "Angelos Pikoulas",
    "email": "agelos.pikoulas@gmail.com"
    "license": "MIT",
    "keywords": [
    "file extension",
    "replace extension",
    "change extension",
    "trim extension",
    "add extension",
    "default extension"
    "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": "git://github.com/anodynos/upath"
    "bugs": {
    "url": "http://github.com/anodynos/upath/issues",
    "email": "agelos.pikoulas@gmail.com"
    "main": "./build/code/upath.js",
    "types": "./upath.d.ts",
    "preferGlobal": false,
    "scripts": {
    "test": "grunt",
    "build": "grunt lib"
    "directories": {
    "doc": "./doc",
    "dist": "./build"
    "engines": {
    "node": ">=4",
    "yarn": "*"
    "devDependencies": {
    "chai": "~4.0.2",
    "coffee-script": "1.12.6",
    "grunt": "0.4.5",
    "grunt-contrib-watch": "^1.1.0",
    "grunt-urequire": "0.7.x",
    "lodash": "^4.17.15",
    "mocha": "~3.4.2",
    "uberscore": "0.0.19",
    "underscore.string": "^3.3.5",
    "urequire": "0.7.0-beta.33",
    "urequire-ab-specrunner": "^0.2.5",
    "urequire-rc-inject-version": "^0.1.6"

    Já exclui o yarn.lock e dei o comando yarn install e o erro ainda persiste

    Utilizei o yarn add upath, exclui o yarn.lock e usei o yarn install novamente, o erro continua aparecendo assim: [​IMG]

    conteudo do arquivo upath.js citado no erro:

    * upath http://github.com/anodynos/upath/
    * A proxy to `path`, replacing `\` with `/` for all results (supports UNC paths) & new methods to normalize & join keeping leading `./` and add, change, default, trim file extensions.
    * Version 2.0.1 - Compiled on 2020-11-07 16:59:47
    * Repository git://github.com/anodynos/upath
    * Copyright(c) 2020 Angelos Pikoulas <agelos.pikoulas@gmail.com>
    * License MIT

    // Generated by uRequire v0.7.0-beta.33 target: 'lib' template: 'nodejs'

    var VERSION = '2.0.1'; // injected by urequire-rc-inject-version

    var extraFn, extraFunctions, isFunction, isString, isValidExt, name, path, propName, propValue, toUnix, upath, slice = [].slice, indexOf = [].indexOf || function (item) {
    for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
    if (i in this && this === item)
    return i;
    return -1;
    }, hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
    path = require("path");
    isFunction = function (val) {
    return typeof val === "function";
    isString = function (val) {
    return typeof val === "string" || !!val && typeof val === "object" && Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === "[object String]";
    upath = exports;
    upath.VERSION = typeof VERSION !== "undefined" && VERSION !== null ? VERSION : "NO-VERSION";
    toUnix = function (p) {
    p = p.replace(/\\/g, "/");
    p = p.replace(/(?<!^)\/+/g, "/");
    return p;
    for (propName in path) {
    propValue = path[propName];
    if (isFunction(propValue)) {
    upath[propName] = function (propName) {
    return function () {
    var args, result;
    args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
    args = args.map(function (p) {
    if (isString(p)) {
    return toUnix(p);
    } else {
    return p;
    result = path[propName].apply(path, args);
    if (isString(result)) {
    return toUnix(result);
    } else {
    return result;
    } else {
    upath[propName] = propValue;
    upath.sep = "/";
    extraFunctions = {
    toUnix: toUnix,
    normalizeSafe: function (p) {
    var result;
    p = toUnix(p);
    result = upath.normalize(p);
    if (p.startsWith("./") && !result.startsWith("./") && !result.startsWith("..")) {
    result = "./" + result;
    } else if (p.startsWith("//") && !result.startsWith("//")) {
    if (p.startsWith("//./")) {
    result = "//." + result;
    } else {
    result = "/" + result;
    return result;
    normalizeTrim: function (p) {
    p = upath.normalizeSafe(p);
    if (p.endsWith("/")) {
    return p.slice(0, +(p.length - 2) + 1 || 9000000000);
    } else {
    return p;
    joinSafe: function () {
    var p, p0, result;
    p = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
    result = upath.join.apply(null, p);
    if (p.length > 0) {
    p0 = toUnix(p[0]);
    if (p0.startsWith("./") && !result.startsWith("./") && !result.startsWith("..")) {
    result = "./" + result;
    } else if (p0.startsWith("//") && !result.startsWith("//")) {
    if (p0.startsWith("//./")) {
    result = "//." + result;
    } else {
    result = "/" + result;
    return result;
    addExt: function (file, ext) {
    if (!ext) {
    return file;
    } else {
    if (ext[0] !== ".") {
    ext = "." + ext;
    return file + (file.endsWith(ext) ? "" : ext);
    trimExt: function (filename, ignoreExts, maxSize) {
    var oldExt;
    if (maxSize == null) {
    maxSize = 7;
    oldExt = upath.extname(filename);
    if (isValidExt(oldExt, ignoreExts, maxSize)) {
    return filename.slice(0, +(filename.length - oldExt.length - 1) + 1 || 9000000000);
    } else {
    return filename;
    removeExt: function (filename, ext) {
    if (!ext) {
    return filename;
    } else {
    ext = ext[0] === "." ? ext : "." + ext;
    if (upath.extname(filename) === ext) {
    return upath.trimExt(filename, [], ext.length);
    } else {
    return filename;
    changeExt: function (filename, ext, ignoreExts, maxSize) {
    if (maxSize == null) {
    maxSize = 7;
    return upath.trimExt(filename, ignoreExts, maxSize) + (!ext ? "" : ext[0] === "." ? ext : "." + ext);
    defaultExt: function (filename, ext, ignoreExts, maxSize) {
    var oldExt;
    if (maxSize == null) {
    maxSize = 7;
    oldExt = upath.extname(filename);
    if (isValidExt(oldExt, ignoreExts, maxSize)) {
    return filename;
    } else {
    return upath.addExt(filename, ext);
    isValidExt = function (ext, ignoreExts, maxSize) {
    if (ignoreExts == null) {
    ignoreExts = [];
    return ext && ext.length <= maxSize && indexOf.call(ignoreExts.map(function (e) {
    return (e && e[0] !== "." ? "." : "") + e;
    }), ext) < 0;
    for (name in extraFunctions) {
    if (!hasProp.call(extraFunctions, name))
    extraFn = extraFunctions[name];
    if (upath[name] !== void 0) {
    throw new Error("path." + name + " already exists.");
    } else {
    upath[name] = extraFn;


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