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Progress 4GL Column Names

Discussão em 'StackOverflow' iniciado por fdantas, Dezembro 16, 2014.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador

    I'm having an issue with a a query I'm trying to run in 4GL.

    This works

    FOR EACH platte.item_branch NO-LOCK
    WHERE item_branch.item_ptr = 23546:

    item_branch.system_id LABEL "bar" "|SEP|"
    item_branch.item_ptr LABEL "foobar"
    WITH WIDTH 122.


    And this doesn't

    FOR EACH platte.item_branch NO-LOCK
    WHERE item_branch.item_ptr = 23546:

    item_branch.system_id LABEL "minor" "|SEP|"
    item_branch.load_factor LABEL "foobar"
    WITH WIDTH 122.


    Is there anything in ABL that would cause a field to start with load_ to not work? I have confirmed that any field that starts with load_ will not return data. It will error out everytime.

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