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Opening a popup/modal from an existing RB popup

Discussão em 'PSDN - Forum' iniciado por Meryk, Fevereiro 12, 2015.

  1. Meryk

    Meryk Guest

    Hi all,

    We are trying to open a popup page from another one to do some checks. Here is the situation :

    We have an object X and an object Y, with a relationships 1:M (one X to many Y). The view page of X is as above :


    When clicking on "Attach Opportunity" (Opportunity is object Y), the selector page opens.

    Now, when one opportunity has been clicked, we want to open another popup asking the user if he wants to change some fileds of this opportunity being attached.

    What we tried to do, is change properties of this popup page opening when "Attach.." is clicked, (by adding the action of opening our new modal) but it seems to be very heavy.

    Do you have any ideas ?

    Thank you


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