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Limiting SQL query to 10,000 results by where clause only, by string field

Discussão em 'StackOverflow' iniciado por fdantas, Setembro 11, 2020.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador

    I have an interesting issue that I'm struggling to solve.

    I am retrieving data from a DB via a web API. I have direct DB access for testing, but my application will need to read the data via the API. In the API I can essentially provide the where clause for the SQL statement that retrieves my data from the table I specify for the web API. I need to retrieve the data in chunks of ~10,000 in order not to overload the server (the web service is not optimised, and gets exponentially slower the more results I retrieve). With most tables, there is a sequential numeric ID field that I can limit my queries with. So the full query looks like this:

    SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE ID > 0 and ID <= 10000

    I am only able to provide the where clause component of that query via the API.

    ID > 0 and ID <= 10000

    For one specific table, the usual ID field is not available. There is a different ID field, which also contains sequential numeric values, but the field is of type String. Since the where clause I provide to the web API is processed as some sort of prepared statement, it will not process any functions. So I cannot cast the ID to an int:

    CAST(ID2 as int) > 0 and CAST(ID2 as int) <= 10000

    If I use > or < comparison for string values, it follows alphabetical order, and you get annoying behavior, such as 2,000 being greater than 100,000. This breaks the logic I had been using before.

    Does anyone have any ideas how I could limit my retrieves to 10,000 entries with this string ID field? I'm sure there is some logic that will do it, but I haven't been able to wrap my head around it.

    Implicit casting in the where clause also returns an error:

    (ID2 + 0) > 0 and (ID2 + 0) <= 10000

    The values in the ID2 field range from ~140,000 to ~3,500,000.

    I'd be happy to hear any ideas or suggestions! Please let me know if anything is unclear.

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