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is it possible to use MaximumFuntion within an Entry Funciton in Progress 4gl

Discussão em 'StackOverflow' iniciado por fdantas, Maio 5, 2015.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador

    I am new to progress and I am trying to figure out how to get this working. My task is to Get a list of integer values from user as semi colon separated and message the highest and lowest value on that list. Till now I have used an entry function to help me get just the integers entered by the user one after another. like so

    repeat I = 1 to totalEntries:
    m = entry (I, Userinput, ";").
    display m.

    After this I would like to find out the maximum value of all the entries. how can I do this since maximum function accepts more than one value for comparison.

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