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How to transform one SQL column into multiple columns on the same row?

Discussão em 'StackOverflow' iniciado por fdantas, Novembro 7, 2019.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador

    I am working in a Progress ODBC in Excel and I have a data set that currently holds an ID, Object type and the result for that object. The dataset looks a little like below:

    EveNumber ObjName TroValue
    1234 818 Artwork typeset duration 00:30:00
    1234 818 Artwork Estimated typeset duration 00:40:00

    I am trying to get this data to all sit on one line by using the following CASE WHEN


    ,(CASE WHEN Object_0.ObjName = '818 Artwork typeset duration' THEN TemplateRunObject_0.TroValue ELSE NULL END) AS 'BookedTime'
    ,(CASE WHEN Object_0.ObjName = '818 Artwork Estimated typeset duration' THEN TemplateRunObject_0.TroValue ELSE NULL END) AS 'EstimatedTime'

    What i am finding is that this results in a stepped result. So my returned data still comes back on multiple lines. Much like this:

    EveNumber BookedTime EstimatedTime
    1234 00:30:00
    1234 00:40:00

    Is there something i can do to return this result on the one line?

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