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How to debug an intemittent error using Progress OpenEdge database

Discussão em 'StackOverflow' iniciado por fdantas, Agosto 5, 2015.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador

    I have a program that fails intermittently in a complex query.

    The error reads:

    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "LinkedServer".

    The query looks like this:

    SELECT Replace([JOB-NO],'M0','') as KeyTaskID,
    dbo.SFGET_UniqueTaskID([CLIENT-CODE],Replace([JOB-NO], 'M0', ''), 0, [TRADE-CODE]) AS HMSUniqueTaskID,
    [LATEST-PRIORITY] AS PriorityCode,
    [KeyProperty] AS KeyProperty,
    Replace([JOB-NO],'M0','') AS KeyJob,
    [JOB-TYPE] as TaskSubType,
    CONVERT(varchar(6),[MAINT-OFFICER]) AS Officer,
    LEFT(FORENAME + ' ' + SURNAME, 50) AS OfficerName,
    [JOB-NO] + ' ' + LEFT(RTRIM(REPLACE([TEXT-LINE], ';', CHAR(13))), 480) AS Description,
    dbo.SFGET_FormattedDate([TARGET-DATE],0) AS DueDateTime,
    [CURRENT-STAGE-CODE] AS CurrentStageCode
    FROM openquery(LinkedServer, '
    AND "RM-JOB"."JOB-STATUS" = 06
    AND "RM-JOB"."CONTRACTOR" = ''NWH001'' ') as ibsTasks
    INNER JOIN [SVSExtract].[dbo].Property prop
    ON ibsTasks.[PLACE-REF] = prop.UserCode

    I have been testing it manually using SQL Server Management Studio. It occassionally fails but it mainly works OK.

    I am at a loss as to how I can debug an error that I cannot reproduce at will.

    Any suggestions?

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