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Approvals Application [Marketplace][4.5]

Discussão em 'PSDN - Forum' iniciado por Simon Tregloan-Reed, Junho 2, 2017.

  1. Hi all,

    I've been working with the approvals application, trying to adapt it to an application of mine but I've run into an issue.

    My issue is that I need to have 2 approval processes, run one after the other, so that I have records signed off by 2 or even 3 levels of security before they are finalized.

    My idea was to have a trigger on the work flow status field that would automatically start the next approval process when the last person had finished approving the previous process step. The trigger contained this bit of code that I found "rbv_api.startApproval(objName, objId, actionId)" but unfortunately it won't work because starting the approval process prompts the user to select the list of approvers from the default list.

    A problem I have is that I don't understand why the function exists if the approval process won't allow me to utilize it because I am unable to turn off the function of picking a list of approvers at run time. With the application being a manual process, it defeats the purpose of what I'm trying to design.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Simon Tregloan-Reed

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