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#1052 - Column 'status' in field list is ambiguous MySQLI

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Janeiro 13, 2021.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have created 3 tables.

    books (id, name, author, edition, status, quantitity, department, category)

    issued_book (username, book_id, status, issue_date, return_date)

    users (id, postition, fristname, lastname, username,email, contat, password)

    I get this error when executed the following query.

    error message

    #1052 - Column 'status' in field list is ambiguous


    SELECT users.username
    FROM users
    join issued_books
    ON users.username = issued_books.username
    join books
    ON issued_books.book_id = books.id
    WHERE issued_books.status =''

    Can someone provide me the executable query? thank you.

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