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WSL Homestead Setup

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Julio Sandoval, Outubro 16, 2024 às 03:12.

  1. I'm having trouble figuring out WSL/Homestead. There aren't many tutorials for it. I added a few Laravel websites, tested them, they worked. I decided to add/create more Laravel websites, ran this command, "sudo ./bin/homestead wsl:sites", and the previous added sites ended up not working. I this message saying, "File not found.". It used to work, don't know why I'm seeing that message in the browser.

    I tried uninstalling Homestead and re-installing and even tried ChatGPT, but nothing. I don't want to uninstall WSL and re-install because I may need to add future websites and don't wanna keep doing it for every new website I add.

    Anyone with experience on this, I appreciate your help and opinion.

    PS: I'm using wsl-rework branch in Github

    I'm using Windows 10


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