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Why to Export Component from One Module & Use in Another Module Component

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Naveed Naik, Outubro 16, 2024 às 07:42.

  1. Naveed Naik

    Naveed Naik Guest

    I have been trying to work on this for long hours. However, I'm finally giving up and looking for community support on this. Thanks in advance for the help!

    I have Web Projects Module which uses Webpage Component. I am importing Objects Module (which has a Navbar Component & ComponentLoaderDirective) in the Webprojects Module.

    & I am trying to Load the Contents of navbar.html to webpage.component.html

    Why does Angular force me to import NavbarComponent & ComponentLoaderDirective again in weboage.components.ts? Without the same I get below errors: Cannot find the name 'Navbar Component'. Cannot find the name 'ComponentLoaderDirective'.

    I think I'm missing something here. Just not able to locate what is missing.


    import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
    import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
    import { Global } from '../../../class.global'; //Global Class Contains the Global Variables & Functions Being Used Throughout the Project.
    import { StartupService } from 'src/app/services/shared/startup.service'; //StartupService is Used to Get the Project, Page, Object & Elements on Page Load.
    import { ObjectsModule } from './objects/objects.module';
    import { WebpageComponent } from './webpage/webpage.component'; //WebProjectsModule Uses WebpageComponent as the View (webpage.component.html) & Controller (webpage.component.html).

    declarations: [WebpageComponent], //WebProject Module Uses the Webpage Component
    imports: [HttpClientModule, ObjectsModule],
    exports: [], //Webprojects Module Exports the Webpage Component to the App Module & Other Modules Using the WebProjects Module
    providers: [StartupService, Global] //StartupService, GlobalClass are Required for the WebProjects Module to Work.
    export class WebProjectsModule {}


    //Webpage Component is the First Component to be loaded Under the Webprojects Module.
    import { Component, ViewChild, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
    import { Global } from '../../../../class.global'; //Global Class Contains the Global Variables & Functions Being Used Throughout the Project.
    import { Error } from '../../../../services/shared/error' //Error Class is Used to Display Errors
    import { StartupService } from '../../../../services/shared/startup.service'; //StartupService is Required to Load the Project, Page, Object & Elements.
    import { Project } from '../../../../services/projects/webprojects/project'; //Project Model is Required to Constrain the Type of Data Being Received from the Startup Service getProjects().
    import { Projectpage } from '../../../../services/projects/webprojects/projectpage'; //Project Page Model is Required to Constrain the Type of Data Being Received from the Startup Service getProjectPage().
    import { Pageobject } from '../../../../services/projects/webprojects/pageobject'; //Page Object Model is Required to Constrain the Type of Data Being Received from the Statup Service getPageObjects().
    import { Property } from '../../../../services/projects/webprojects/property'; //Property Object Model is Required to Constrain the Type of Property Array Being Created for Objects & Elements.
    import { SEOService } from '../../../../services/shared/seo.service'; //SEO Service is Used to Display the Page Title, Description, Other SEO Related Content on the Page.
    import { ComponentLoaderDirective } from '../../../../services/shared/component-loader.directive';
    import { NavbarComponent } from '../objects/navbar/navbar.component';

    selector: 'app-webpage',
    templateUrl: './webpage.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./webpage.component.scss']
    export class WebpageComponent implements OnInit {
    @ViewChild(ComponentLoaderDirective, {static: true}) pageObjectLoader!: ComponentLoaderDirective;

    responseProject: Project[] = []; //Variable of Type Project Array Used to Store the Array of Projects Received from the Startup Service getProjects().
    project: any = {}; //Variable of Type Any Used to Store the Parameters of the Current Project being Loaded. Initializing with Empty Object.
    projectId: number = 0; //Variable of Type Number Used to Store the Id of the Current Project being Loaded. Initilizing with 0.
    projectType: string = 'web'; //Variable of Type String Used to Store the Type of the Current Project being Loaded. Initializing with web.
    responseProjectPage: Projectpage[] = []; //Variable of Type Projectpage Array Used to Store the Object of Projectpage Received from the Statup Service getProjectPage().
    projectPage: any = {}; //Aggregate of Type Object Used to Store the Parameters of Project Page, Project & Page. Initializing with Empty Object.
    projectPageProperties: Property[] = []; //Variable of Type Property[] Used to Store Array of Properties of Project Page.
    page: any = {}; //Variable of Type Any Used to Store the Parameters of the Current Page being Loaded.
    pageTitle: string = ''; //Variable of Type String Used to Store the Title of the Current Page being Loaded.
    pageDescription: string = ''; //Variable of Type String Used to Store the Description of the Current Page being Loaded.
    pageProperties: Property[] = []; //Variable of Type Property Used to Store the Properties of the Page being Loaded.
    pageType: string = 'home'; //Variable of Type String Used to Store the Type of Current Page being Loaded. Initializing with home by default to be loaded. Unless Overwritten by the Route.
    pageObjects: Pageobject[] = []; //Variable of Type Any Used to Store the Page & Object Parameters Relevant to the Page Being Loaded. Initializing with Empty Object.
    pageObjectProperties: Property[] = []; //Variable of Type Property[] Used to Store the Array of Page Object Properties.
    object: any = {}; //Variable of Type Any Used to Store the Object Relevant to the Page Being Loaded. Initializing with Empty Object.
    objectProperties: Property[] = []; //Variable of Type Property[] Used to Store the Array of Object Properties.
    properties: Property[] = []; //Variable of Type Property[] Used to Store Array of Properties.
    active: boolean = true; //Initializing with true. All the Requests to Get the Projects, ProjectPages & PageObjects are with Active = true.
    global = new Global();
    error = new Error();

    constructor(private startupService: StartupService, private seoService: SEOService) {};

    async ngOnInit(){
    this.responseProject = await this.startupService.getProjects(this.projectType,this.active).toPromise();
    var i = this.responseProject.length;
    if(this.responseProject.tags.indexOf(window.location.href) == -1){ //Using window.location.href to Get the Url Which Was Loaded & Get the Project Accordingly.
    this.responseProject.splice(i, 1); //Removes the Project from the Array if it is Not Relevant to the Current Project.

    if(this.responseProject.length > 0){ //Checks if Atleast 1 Project is Received.
    this.project = this.responseProject[0]; //Storing the Relevant Project in the Project Variable
    this.projectId = this.project.nid; //Storing the Relevant Project Id in the projectId Variable.

    this.responseProjectPage = await this.startupService.getProjectPage(this.projectId, this.pageType, this.active).toPromise();
    //Use the getPage() in StartupService to Get the Home Page of the Relevant Project Being Loaded.
    if(Object.keys(this.responseProjectPage).length === 1){ //Checks if the Array Received is Not Empty.
    this.projectPage = this.responseProjectPage[0]; //Aggregate Object Received from the Database is Stored in projectPage Variable.
    this.projectPageProperties = this.projectPage.properties; //Project Page Properties which are a Part of the Aggregate Received is Separately Stored in projectPageProperties Variable.

    this.page = this.projectPage.page; //Page Object which is Part of the Aggregate Received is Separately Stored in page Variable.
    this.pageProperties = this.page.properties; //Page Properties which are a Part of the Page Object Received are Separately Stored in pageProperties Variable.

    //We Pick All the Properties from projectPageProperties & the Remaining Properties from pageProperties which are Not a Part of projectPageProperties.
    var namesToFilter = new Set(this.projectPageProperties.map(d => d.name)); //We Get All the Names in the projectPageProperties Array and Store them in namesToFilter Array.
    this.properties = [...this.projectPageProperties, ...this.pageProperties.filter(d => !namesToFilter.has(d.name))]; //We Merge Both the Arrays and Skip the Objects with Names in the namesToFilter Array.

    //Looping through the Properties Array to Get the Page Title & Description for the <head> Tag.
    this.properties.forEach((property: Property) => {
    this.pageTitle = (property.name === 'pgTitle')?property.value:this.pageTitle;
    this.pageDescription = (property.name === 'pgDescription')?property.value:this.pageDescription;
    this.seoService.updateTitle(this.pageTitle); //Using the SEO Service, We Update the <html><head><title> Tag of the Page.
    this.seoService.updateDescription(this.pageDescription); //Using the SEO SErvice, We Update the <html><head><meta = "description"> Tag is the Page.

    this.pageObjects = this.projectPage.pageobjects; //Storing the Page Objects Array in pageObjects Variable.
    if(this.pageObjects.length > 0){ //Checking if there is Atleast One Page Object.
    const viewContainerRef = this.pageObjectLoader.viewContainerRef; //We Use Instance of Component Loader Directive to Define Where to Load the Child Component.

    this.pageObjects.forEach((pageObject: Pageobject) => { //Looping through the Page Objects.
    this.pageObjectProperties = pageObject.properties; //Storing the Page Object Properties Array in pageObjectProperties Variable.

    this.object = pageObject.object; //Storing the Object which is Part of Page Object in the object Variable.
    this.objectProperties = this.object.properties; //Storing the Properties of Object in the objectProperties Variable.

    //We Pick All the Properties from pageObjectProperties & the Remaining Properties from objectProperties which are Not a Part of pageObjectProperties.
    namesToFilter = new Set(this.pageObjectProperties.map(d => d.name)); //We Get All the Names in the pageObjectProperties Array and Store them in namesToFilter Array.
    this.properties = [...this.pageObjectProperties, ...this.objectProperties.filter(d => !namesToFilter.has(d.name))]; //We Merge Both the Arrays and Skip the Objects with Names in the namesToFilter Array.

    switch(this.object.path){ //Based on the Path of Object We Load the Respective Component.
    case 'NavbarComponent':{ //NavbarComponent Relates with the Object Type of navbar.
    const componentRef = viewContainerRef.createComponent<any>(NavbarComponent);
    componentRef.instance.properties = this.properties;
    } else { //Throw Error if No Page Objects Were Received.
    this.error.display('Error Loading Project in webpage.component. Unable to Fetch Page Objects Data...');
    } else { //Throw Error if Query Ran Succcessfully. However, No Project Page Was Received.
    this.error.display('Error Loading Project in webpage.component. Unable to Fetch Project Page Data...');
    } else { //Throw Error if Query Ran Succcessfully. However, No Projects Were Received.
    this.error.display('Error Loading Project in webpage.component. Unable to Fetch Projects Data...');
    } catch(error){
    this.error.display('Error Loading Project in webpage.component...', error);


    <ng-template pageObjectLoader></ng-template>
    <div>Webpage Works!</div>


    import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
    import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
    import { NavbarComponent } from './navbar/navbar.component';
    import { ComponentLoaderDirective } from '../../../../services/shared/component-loader.directive';
    import { MaterialModule } from '../material/material.module';

    let components = [NavbarComponent, ComponentLoaderDirective];

    declarations: [components],
    imports: [CommonModule, MaterialModule],
    exports: [components]
    export class ObjectsModule {}


    import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';
    import { Property } from '../../../../../services/projects/webprojects/property';

    selector: 'app-navbar',
    templateUrl: './navbar.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./navbar.component.scss']
    export class NavbarComponent implements OnInit {
    @Input() properties: Property[] = []; //Properties of Navbar Component
    @Input() elements: any; //Elements of Navbar Component

    class: string = '';

    ngOnInit(): void {
    this.properties.forEach((property) => {
    this.class += (property.type = 'class')?(this.class == '')?property.value:' ' + property.value:'';


    <mat-toolbar [ngClass]="class">
    <span>Yellow Pages & Classifieds | ypandc.com</span>

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