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Why is the value from the input immediately displayed? How to fix it? (ANGULAR 18)

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Mirza Šabanović, Outubro 17, 2024 às 17:42.

  1. Why is the value I enter into the input field immediately displayed, instead of appearing after I click the add button?"

    The issue is that inputValue is being immediately bound to the app-new-todo component via two-way binding using [(ngModel)]="inputValue". As a result, the entered value is displayed as soon as the user types into the input field. I would like it to only appear after clicking the "ADD" button.

    How can I adjust the code to prevent the immediate display and ensure that the task only shows up after the button click?

    Here is code:

    export interface TodoData {
    id: number;
    todo: string;
    done: boolean;
    export class TodoComponent {
    @Output() todo = new EventEmitter<TodoData>();
    inputValue = '';
    done = false;

    addTask() {
    id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000),
    todo: this.inputValue,
    done: this.done,

    <form (ngSubmit)="addTask()">
    placeholder="Enter new task"
    <app-new-todo [task]="inputValue" />

    export class AppComponent {
    onAddTask(data: { id: number; todo: string; done: boolean }) {

    <app-header />
    <app-todo (todo)="onAddTask($event)" />

    export class NewTodoComponent {
    @Input({ required: true }) task!: string;

    <h1>{{ task }}</h1>

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