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Unable to get the column ID or name while dragging it out of the ag-grid to hide the column

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Aravind, Outubro 9, 2024 às 17:02.

  1. Aravind

    Aravind Guest

    I'm working on a POC where I need to remove/hide a column when it's dragged out of the ag-grid using gridApi in Angular.

    Below is the column definition I've used for the POC.

    public columnDefs = [
    headerName: 'col-1',
    field: 'col-1'
    headerName: 'col-2',
    field: 'col-2'

    I've used the below gridOptions.

    gridOptions: GridOptions = {
    suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns: false
    onDragStopped: (event) => this.onColumnDragEnd(event)

    Below is the onColumnDragEnd event code.

    onColumnDragEnd(event: any) void{
    const draggedColumn = event.column;
    console.log(draggedColumn) //this is not returning neither the column ID or the name.

    Please find the attached screenshot below to check the details being returned by the above console statement.


    Is there anyway to get the column ID or name so that I can compare with the intital colDef and update once the column is dragged out of the ag-grid and remove/hide it in the grid view.

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