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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getRetinaScaling') - How to Resolve?

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Arkit_Sutariya, Outubro 25, 2024 às 09:52.

  1. I'm working on image cropping using the latest Fabric.js. Initially, when a user adds an image to the canvas, I call the getImgPolarId() function and store the image data in the currentImg global variable. When the user double-clicks on the canvas, I call the applyCropToImage() function. In this function, I create a backgroundImg with the same state as currentImg, setting the original image as that backgroundImg. I then apply a clipPath to the original image. After clicking on the canvas, I generate a new image that includes only the clipped portion. When applying the crop again, I want to remove the base URL image from the canvas and use the original image again, but I'm encountering an error like...

    ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getRetinaScaling')
    at klass.drawControls (fabric.js:18058:39)
    at klass._renderControls (fabric.js:15860:28)
    at klass.drawControls (fabric.js:12876:22)
    at klass.renderCanvas (fabric.js:9799:14)
    at klass.renderAll (fabric.js:12062:12)
    at klass.renderAndReset (fabric.js:9735:12)
    at timer (zone.js:2367:41)
    at _ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:402:31)
    at core.mjs:10757:55
    at AsyncStackTaggingZoneSpec.onInvokeTask (core.mjs:10757:36)

    // Initially add Image Element in canvas
    getImgPolaroid(image_details, uploadfrom = '', st: any = {}, stickerFrom: string = '') {
    var id, that = this;
    fabric.util.loadImage(image_details, (imgObj) => {
    var image = new fabric.Image(imgObj);
    image.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
    left: that.utils.getCenterCoord(imgObj.width * scale, that.zoomWidthRef),
    top: that.utils.getCenterCoord(imgObj.height * scale, that.zoomHeightRef),
    angle: 0,
    padding: 0,
    hasRotatingPoint: true,
    peloas: 12,
    isLocked: false,
    id: this.generateUniqueId(),
    cornerSize: 15,
    cornerColor: '#00C3F9',
    cornerStyle: 'circle',
    lockScalingFlip: true,
    clipTo: null,
    excludeFromExport: false,
    transparentCorners: false,
    setTimeout(() => {
    this.currentImg = image;
    }, 500);

    }, null, { crossOrigin: 'anonymous' });
    return id;

    // apply cropping functionality to image on double-clicks
    applyCropToImage(image, activeobject) {

    // set background image same as a original
    var backgroundImg = new fabric.Image(image.getElement(), {

    left: this.getClippathleft - this.whatLeftDiff,
    top: this.getClippathtop - this.whatTopDiff,
    scaleX: image.scaleX,
    scaleY: image.scaleY,
    opacity: 0.3,
    selectable: true,


    var index = this.canvas.getObjects().indexOf(image);


    const rect = new fabric.Rect({
    left: this.getClippathleft,
    top: this.getClippathtop,
    width: this.getClippathwidth,
    height: this.getClippathheight,
    cornerSize: 15,
    cornerColor: '#00C3F9',
    cornerStyle: 'circle',
    selectable: false,
    evented: true,
    absolutePositioned: true,
    type: 'crop',
    transparentCorners: false,
    centeredScaling: false,
    centeredRotation: true,
    lockScalingFlip: true,
    lockMovementX: true,
    lockMovementY: true,
    _controlsVisibility: {
    tl: true,
    tr: true,
    br: true,
    bl: true,
    ml: false,
    mt: false,
    mr: false,
    mb: false,
    mtr: false

    image.clipPath = rect;
    'mouse:down': (e) => {

    this.whatLeftDiff = rect.left - image.left;
    this.whatTopDiff = rect.top - image.top;

    const newRect = image.clipPath;

    // Create a new image instance from cropped area
    var croppedImg = new Image();
    croppedImg.src = this.canvas.toDataURL({
    left: newRect.left,
    top: newRect.top,
    width: newRect.width,
    height: newRect.height,

    croppedImg.onload = () => {
    const newImage = new fabric.Image(croppedImg);
    newImage.left = newRect.left;
    newImage.top = newRect.top;
    newImage.isCroped = true;
    newImage.element_type = "stockphotos";
    newImage.cornerSize = 15;
    newImage.cornerColor = '#00C3F9';
    newImage.cornerStyle = 'circle';
    newImage.transparentCorners = false;

    // Remove clip path and background image (optional)
    image.clipPath = null;



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