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Type casting within a template in Angular 2

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Plog, Outubro 9, 2024 às 07:52.

  1. Plog

    Plog Guest

    I'm working on an Angular project (Angular 4.0.0) and I'm having trouble binding a property of an abstract class to ngModel because I first need to cast it as the concrete class it actually is in order to access the property.

    i.e. I have an AbstractEvent class this has a a concrete implementation Event which has a boolean property 'acknowledged' which I need a two way binding via ngModel to set with a checkbox.

    I currently have this element in my DOM:

    <input type="checkbox" *ngIf="event.end" [(ngModel)]="(event as Event).acknowledged"
    [disabled]="(event as Event).acknowledged">

    Unfortunately this is throwing the following error:

    Uncaught Error: Template parse errors: Parser Error: Missing expected ) at column 8 in [(event as Event).acknowledged]

    Googling around seemed to suggest this might be because using 'as' is not supported when using it inside a template? Although I'm not certain about this.

    I also can't work out how to just write a function for it in my typescript file driving the template because this would break the two way binding on ngModel that I require.

    If anyone has any way to get around this or perform type casting in angular templates correctly I would be very appreciative!

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