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TinyMCE image_upload_handler hangs with Cloud Storage

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por Michael Cockinos, Novembro 4, 2024 às 18:54.

  1. I am trying to get tinyMce to upload an image to Cloud Storage when composing an email from within my app. I am developing with Angular 18, @angular/fire 18 modular (Firestore, Storage, Functions, Auth).

    Everything seems to work ok. The image is uploaded, and I get an image url, but the image dialog doesn't dismiss, and I am not seeing any errors in the console.[​IMG]

    this is my code:

    images_upload_handler: (blobInfo) => {
    const file = blobInfo.blob();
    const filePath = `${Date.now()}-${blobInfo.filename()}`;

    // Initialize Firebase Storage and create a reference to the file path
    const storage = getStorage();
    const storageRef = ref(storage, filePath);

    // Start the file upload
    const uploadTask = uploadBytesResumable(storageRef, file);

    // Return a Promise that resolves with the download URL once the upload completes
    return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
    (snapshot) => {
    // Optional: log or handle the upload progress if needed
    const progress = (snapshot.bytesTransferred / snapshot.totalBytes) * 100;
    console.log(`Upload progress: ${progress}%`);
    (error) => {
    // Handle unsuccessful uploads
    console.error('Upload failed:', error);
    reject('Image upload failed');
    async () => {
    // Get the download URL after the upload completes
    try {
    const downloadURL = await getDownloadURL(storageRef);
    } catch (error) {
    console.error('Failed to retrieve download URL:', error);
    reject('Failed to retrieve download URL');

    I have even just used the code from tinymce's github example, and i get the same result: https://github.com/EbukaPeter55/Angular-TinyMCE/blob/master/src/app/app.component.ts

    images_upload_handler: (blobInfo) => {
    const file = blobInfo.blob();
    const filePath = `${Date.now()}-${blobInfo.filename()}`;
    const ref = this.storage.ref(filePath);
    const task = this.storage.upload(filePath, file);

    const promise = new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
    finalize(() =>
    .subscribe((url) => {
    .subscribe((_) => {
    // do nothing
    return promise;

    I can't see why this is happening or how to call dismiss dialog when the image is uploaded and I receive the downloadUrl.

    can anyone shed some light as to what may be the issue please?

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