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[SQL] Using pivot on multiple columns of an Oracle row

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 16, 2024 às 07:34.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have the following sample data in an Oracle table (tab1) and I am trying to convert rows to columns. I know how to use Oracle pivot on one column. But is it possible to apply it to multiple columns?

    Sample data:

    Type weight height
    A 50 10
    A 60 12
    B 40 8
    C 30 15

    My intended output:

    A-count B-count C-count A-weight B-weight C-weight A-height B-height C-height
    2 1 1 110 40 30 22 8 15

    What I can do:

    with T AS
    (select type, weight from tab1 )
    select * from T
    PIVOT (
    for type in (A, B, C, D,E,F)

    The above query gives me the below result

    A B C
    2 1 1

    I can replace count(*) with sum(weight) or sum(height) to pivot height or weight. What I am looking to do, but I can't do, is pivot on all three (count, weight and height) in one query.

    Can it be done using pivot?

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