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[SQL] The request for <procedure> failed because <procedure> is a procedure object. SQL error...

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 3, 2024 às 14:52.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I'm trying to use the SDK for the 123insight MRP system. In the SDK, there is one particular routine called SDK.BOMInsertSDK. Whenever I attempt to execute a SQL query from PHP through the ODBC driver, this fails with the error.

    Warning: odbc_exec(): SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]
    The request for procedure 'BOMInsertSDK' failed because 'BOMInsertSDK' is a
    procedure object., SQL state 37000

    What confuses me about this error: I can type the query in to Microsoft SQL Server Management Express and the query will execute successfully. Also, some other routines like ProductionSDK. SubOperationTestResultBooking work, but others like SDK.PartInsertSDK do not work. It seems almost random as to what I can execute and what I cannot. What could cause this?

    Here's a screenshot of the relevant SDK documentation:


    Here is my query, in case it matters:

    EXECUTE [SDK].[BOMInsertSDK] @strParentPartNumber = "20-01-702",
    @nSequenceNumber = 1234,
    @strChildPartNumber = "01-07-001-R",
    @decScrapPercentage = 0,
    @decQuantity = 1, @blnIsPrime = 1,
    @strMethodType = "Manufactured",
    @strVersionNumber = "0001",
    @blnInheritSerial = 0,
    @strComments = "no comment"

    Any advice appreciated.

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