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[SQL] SQL Server throws an "The multi-part identifier could not be bound" error when INSERT...

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 28, 2024 às 11:13.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have two tables:

    • Sheet (Id, Name, CreatedById, CreatedOn)
    • SheetColumn (Id, SheetId, ColumnName)

    I want to copy some rows from my Sheet table with newIds using givenIds. Then I want to insert new and old ids to a temp table variable. Then using this temp table I want to copy related SheetColumn rows with new ids. But OUTPUT line throws an error:

    The multi-part identifier "OldRows.Id" could not be bound

    How can I achieve this with this or another approach?

    For this I wrote something like this:

    DECLARE @TempSheetMapping TABLE
    OldSheetId INT,
    NewSheetId INT

    WITH OldRows AS
    SELECT *
    FROM Sheet
    WHERE Id IN (.....)
    INSERT INTO Sheet (Name, CreatedById, CreatedOn)
    -- ERROR: The multi-part identifier "OldRows.Id" could not be bound.
    OUTPUT inserted.Id AS NewSheetId, OldRows.Id AS OldSheetId
    INTO @TempSheetMapping (NewSheetId, OldSheetId)
    SELECT Name, CreatedById, CreatedOn
    FROM OldRows;

    INSERT INTO SheetColumn (SheetId, ColumnName)
    SELECT t.NewSheetId, sc.ColumnName
    FROM SheetColumn sc
    JOIN @TempSheetMapping t ON sc.SheetId = t.OldSheetId;

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