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[SQL] SQL join with missing data

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 17, 2024 às 13:42.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have two tables, NAME and ADDRESS. For both tables, the primary key is ID and Language. I want to join these two tables on ID and Language, but sometimes there will be a case where the address table does not have a matching language for the ID, but there is a matching entry with a language set to English.

    How can I get the join to return the matching language entry, or the English entry if there is no matching language?


    ID Language Name
    A ENG Fred
    A CYM Dref
    B ENG Cane
    B CYM Zark
    ID Language Addr
    A ENG Ad1
    A CYM Ad2
    B ENG Ad3

    if I do select Name, Addr from NAME inner join ADDR on NAME.ID = ADDR.ID and NAME.Language=ADDR.Language, I get

    Name Addr
    Fred Ad1
    Dref Ad2
    Cane Ad3

    if I do select Name, Addr from NAME left join ADDR on NAME.ID = ADDR.ID and NAME.Language=ADDR.Language

    Name Addr
    Fred Ad1
    Dref Ad2
    Came Ad3
    Zark null

    How do I get

    Name Addr
    Fred Ad1
    Dref Ad2
    Came Ad3
    Zark Ad3

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