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[SQL] SQL Azure import slow, hangs, but local import takes 3 minutes

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 4, 2024 às 07:52.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have a not-that-large database that I'm trying to migrate to SQL Azure, about 1.6 gigs. I have the BACPAC file in blob storage, start the import, and then... nothing. It gets to 5% as far as the status goes, but otherwise goes nowhere fast. After 10 hours, the database size appears to be 380 MB, and the monitoring shows on average around 53 successful connections per hour, with no failures. It appears to still be going.

    I took the same BACPAC to my local machine at home, and I can import the same database in just under three minutes, so I'm making the assumption that the integrity of the file is all good.

    What could possibly be the issue here? I can't just keep the app I'm migrating offline for days while this goes on. There must be something fundamentally different that it's choking on.

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