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[SQL] Return Condition from case expression in where clause (Error - Incorrect syntax near...

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Novembro 13, 2024.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    In SQL it is giving me error

    Incorrect syntax near '<'.

    SELECT *
    FROM TableName
    WHERE CStatus = 'Active'
    AND ServiceStatus = 'Active'
    AND DATEDIFF(day, OnDate, OffDate) > 0
    AND CASE WHEN EOMONTH(CA.OnDate) = 31 THEN DATEDIFF(day, OnDate, OffDate) <= 31 ELSE DATEDIFF(day, OnDate, OffDate) <= 30 END

    I am trying to put CASE expression in my Where clause, but I am getting an error:

    Incorrect syntax near '>'.

    I want compare if OnDate month have 31 days then 31 days otherwise 30 days.

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