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[SQL] Pull data based on state,city,county setup

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Novembro 8, 2024 às 01:22.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    Hoping someone can help with the below query where I am currently stuck.

    I have a setup table (based on state, city, and county) where * in the setup represents "all" else it represents the specific value it holds. I need to extract data from the main table joining with setup table so that it only pulls population as defined in the setup table.

    State City County
    AZ * *
    CA * Los Angeles
    CA San Diego *
    CA San Francisco *
    CA Santa Monica *
    NY * *
    NY * Bronx
    NY * Kings

    The main table is the "person" table which has the state, city and county columns with actual person location values. I need to be able to join this with the setup table so that it only pulls the applicable rows, where * in setup table represents "all". State will always have a valid value and will never be *

    Based on the above setup table, the query should pull

    a) All from state NY and AZ (As it has * in both city and county)

    b) from CA - all belonging to city San Diego, San Francisco and Santa Monica and all belonging to County Los Angeles.

    I am getting duplicates in the current query (below). I have tried a few options like using a distinct in the final query to weed out duplicates or looking at anything else in the data that can be used instead.

    e.last_name ,

    person e

    JOIN setup S
    ON e.state = S.State
    AND (e.city = S.city OR S.city = '*')
    AND (e.county = S.county OR S.county = '*')
    AND sysdate between S.eff_dt and S.end_eff_dt
    sysdate between e.eff_dt and e.end_eff_dt
    AND e.hr_Status <> 'T'
    AND e.STAFF = 'N'
    And e.union = 'NU'
    AND e.country = 'USA';

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