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[SQL] Postgres count function returns wrong value when using FDW

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Novembro 6, 2024 às 06:12.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    My following query returns a single average_donation_usd value

    transactions AS ( SELECT * FROM transactions_fwd WHERE org_id = 1 ),
    recurring_payments AS ( SELECT * FROM recurring_payments_fwd WHERE org_id = 1 )
    SELECT AVG(t.usd_amount_cents / 100) AS average_donation_usd
    FROM transactions t
    JOIN recurring_payments r ON r.id = t.recurring_payment_id
    WHERE t.status = 'paid' AND t.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.amount_refunded_cents = 0

    But when I wrap it to select count(*) from (my_query) i get 288 as a result, but I expect it to be 1.

    select count(*)
    FROM (
    transactions AS ( SELECT * FROM transactions_fwd WHERE org_id = 1 ),
    recurring_payments AS ( SELECT * FROM recurring_payments_fwd WHERE org_id = 1 )
    SELECT AVG(t.usd_amount_cents / 100) AS average_donation_usd
    FROM transactions t
    JOIN recurring_payments r ON r.id = t.recurring_payment_id
    WHERE t.status = 'paid' AND t.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.amount_refunded_cents = 0

    I tried to create materialized views to see it this bug relates to using FWD tables.

    SELECT * FROM transactions_fwd WHERE org_id = 1;

    CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW recurring_payments AS
    SELECT * FROM recurring_payments_fwd WHERE org_id = 1;

    And it worked well returning me 1 as a result.

    select count(*)
    FROM (
    transactions AS ( SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE org_id = 1 ),
    recurring_payments AS ( SELECT * FROM recurring_payments WHERE org_id = 1 )
    SELECT AVG(t.usd_amount_cents / 100) AS average_donation_usd
    FROM transactions t
    JOIN recurring_payments r ON r.id = t.recurring_payment_id
    WHERE t.status = 'paid' AND t.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.amount_refunded_cents = 0

    My OS and Postgres version (hosted on heroku)

    User => select version();
    PostgreSQL 16.4 (Ubuntu 16.4-1.pgdg20.04+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0, 64-bit
    (1 row)

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