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[SQL] Passing an array as a parameter from PowerShell to an SQL script

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 10, 2024.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I'm creating a quite complex SQL script to delete from a database a bunch of records. Because I have to do a lot of operations, I want to save the IDs of the records I have to delete in a temporary table

    DECLARE @RunIDsToDelete TABLE (RunID INT);

    INSERT INTO @RunIDsToDelete (RunID)

    The list of IDs to delete - alias to save in the table - must to be a parameter from the PowerShell script. The SQL script has to send back to the PowerShell script the confirmation that I want to read.

    $runIds = @(1, 2)
    $paramList = $runIds -join ","

    $sqlCommand = "sqlcmd -S sql1 -d mydb -i $($sqlScriptPath) -v IDs=$paramList"

    My first attempt was to prepare the list and pass the result string to the SQL script but I get this error

    sqlcmd : Sqlcmd: ',(2),(4)': Invalid argument. Enter '-?' for help.

    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Sqlcmd: ',(2),(... '-?' for help.:String) [],
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError​

    Then, I tried to pass a string like that

    $sqlCommand = "sqlcmd -S sql1 -d myDb -i $($sqlScriptPath) -v IDs=""(1), (2)"""

    but again I get the same error. How can I pass the list of IDs then?

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