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[SQL] MYSQL Running Balance Initialization Value Not Correct

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 7, 2024 às 02:32.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have a query which adds the invoices (negative value) and payments to create a net value, and to provide a running balance (using @balance = -invoice amount + payment). Code below:

    SELECT id, book_id, type, `date`, inv_total, payment,
    payment + inv_total AS net, -- Calculate net directly
    @balance := @balance + (payment + inv_total) AS balance -- Use net calculation inline
    FROM (
    -- First subquery for invoices
    inv_id AS id, invoices.book_id AS book_id, due_date AS `date`,
    (-(amount)) AS inv_total, -- Invoice as negative
    0 AS payment, -- No payment for this row
    'inv' AS type -- Mark this row as an invoice
    -- Second subquery for payments
    pay_id AS id, payments.account_id AS book_id, `date`,
    0 AS inv_total, -- No invoice total for this row
    amount AS payment, -- Payment value
    'pay' AS type -- Mark this row as a payment
    ) AS combined
    CROSS JOIN (SELECT @balance := 0) AS init
    ORDER BY `date`, id;

    The query result below. It shows balance in first row at -3800. I would have expected 100 same as the first net value. Why is the initialization incorrect?


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