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[SQL] logging library will interact with the PostgreSQL database

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 3, 2024 às 14:52.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    Explanation Schema Creation: The schema defines a table logs with fields for storing experiment name, prompt, response, feedback, and the timestamp. Library: ExperimentLogger is a reusable class that initializes a connection to your PostgreSQL instance. create_log inserts a new log entry into the logs table. You can customize the log structure based on your needs (e.g., adding experiment IDs or other metadata). At the end of the process, the connection is closed using close. 5. Additional Notes You can extend this with features such as: Error handling: Log the errors to a separate file or send an alert. Batch logging: If you need to log multiple entries in bulk. Asynchronous logging: Use threads or async functions to avoid blocking your main program. This will replace your current script approach and make the logging system more reliable by utilizing a structured, centralized database.

    Error handling: Log the errors to a separate file or send an alert.

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