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[SQL] Is a thread-safe ledger insert possible in Postgres?

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Novembro 4, 2024 às 17:13.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I am looking to create a ledger database table where each row insert is immutable and reflects the latest current table for an account. For example, if I had a table like this:

    CREATE TABLE account_ledger
    account_id BIGINT not null,
    transaction_id VARCHAR(255),
    transaction_amount DECIMAL(10, 2) not NULL,
    current_balance DECIMAL(10, 2) not null constraint positive_balance CHECK (current_balance >= 0)

    I want to write a query that

    1. selects the last (most current) row for the account id
    2. Uses a default balance of "0" if no row exists
    3. Inserts a new row reflecting the up to date balance being the transaction_amount + current_balance of the latest row

    For example, if the state of the db was:

    id | acco_id | txn_id | txn_amount | cur_balance
    1 | 123 | A1 | 100 |100

    an INSERT for a 10 credit would look like:

    id | acco_id | txn_id | txn_amount | cur_balance
    1 | 123 | A1 | 100 |100
    2 | 123 | A2 | 10 |110

    I was looking to write a query that would provide perfect consistent behavior to maintain data integrity. However, whatever query I attempt to run in a multi-threaded environment exhibits the kind of behavior that does not provide accurate results after several concurrent inserts.

    Here is the latest query I am using:

    WITH latest_data as (
    wl.current_balance as latest_balance,
    wl.transaction_id as latest_transaction_id
    from account_ledger al
    where al.account_id = :accountId order by al.id desc limit 1
    -- I've tried with and with out the row lock here
    for update
    -- insert using values obtained from last row in latest_data
    insert into account_ledger (account_id, transaction_id, transaction_amount, current_balance)
    SELECT :accountId, :transactionId, :transactionAmount, coalesce (latest_data.latest_balance + :transactionAmount, :transactionAmount)
    -- left join on potentially empty table from WITH clause above
    from (select 1 as empty) e
    left join latest_data on true
    where :transactionAmount >= 0 or latest_data.latest_balance > ABS:)transactionAmount)
    and (
    -- insert only when the latest_transaction_id equals the txn_id we obtained from above
    latest_data.latest_transaction_id is null or
    latest_data.latest_transaction_id = (select transaction_id from account_ledger cl where cl.account_id = :accountId order by cl.id desc limit 1)

    If I do a series of 15 concurrent inserts of $10, I would expect a current_balance of $150. However, I instead get a value like $140 or even $130. I tried a variety of Isolation levels- Read uncommitted, read committed, and repeatable read and none have performed properly. Here is some example output with 15 concurrent inserts using Read_Uncommitted:

    id | accoId|txnId | parentTxnId. |txnAmount|balance
    790 263611 263611-3 new 10.00 10.00
    792 263611 263611-5 263611-3 10.00 20.00
    796 263611 263611-9 263611-5 10.00 30.00
    798 263611 263611-7 263611-5 10.00 30.00
    799 263611 263611-1 263611-7 10.00 40.00
    800 263611 263611-11 263611-1 10.00 50.00
    808 263611 263611-15 263611-11 10.00 60.00
    815 263611 263611-13 263611-15 10.00 70.00
    825 263611 263611-25 263611-17 10.00 110.00
    826 263611 263611-29 263611-25 10.00 120.00
    828 263611 263611-23 263611-29 10.00 130.00
    819 263611 263611-19 263611-13 10.00 80.00
    822 263611 263611-27 263611-19 10.00 90.00
    824 263611 263611-17 263611-27 10.00 100.00
    831 263611 263611-21 263611-23 10.00 140.00

    Is there a way to get consistent results with the right isolation level and/or query? What is the best way to reason about inconsistent behavior with the current query?

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