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[SQL] INSERT Function acts like it runs in Access VBA code but the table is blank

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Novembro 13, 2024.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I built to function to populate a temp table with data. When the Form_Load event triggers for the form, it calls the function and should populate the table. The data set is small, only 23 records.

    Public Function fnBuildScoreData()
    Dim strSQL As String
    strSQL = "INSERT INTO tmpQuestion ( QuestionID, CategoryID, PossibleScore, Question, ShortDesc, QuestionOrder) SELECT tblQuestions.QuestionID, " & _
    "tblQuestions.CategoryID, tblQuestions.PossibleScore, tblQuestions.Question, tblQuestions.ShortDesc, tblQuestions.QuestionOrder " & _
    "FROM (tblQuestions LEFT JOIN tblCategory ON tblQuestions.CategoryID = tblCategory.CategoryID) LEFT JOIN tblScores ON " & _
    "tblQuestions.QuestionID = tblScores.QuestionID WHERE (((tblQuestions.EndDate) Is Null)) ORDER BY tblQuestions.QuestionOrder"

    If RunADOSQLAction(strSQL) = False Then
    fnBuildScoreData = ACTION_FAILED
    GoTo ExitFunction
    End If

    End Function

    I run the INSERT statement through a function that essentially runs the SQL code and returns whether it successfully excuted the code. Each time it returns a SUCCESS. I also tried DoCmd.RunSQL (strSQL) with my SQL string and still the table is empty.

    Here is the other code:

    Public Function RunADOSQLAction(strSQLIn As String) As Boolean
    Dim cnnTemp As ADODB.Connection

    If Left(strSQLIn, 6) = "SELECT" Then
    MsgBox "You cannot use this function to process a SELECT statement.", vbOKOnly, "RunADOSQLAction"
    RunADOSQLAction = False
    Set cnnTemp = New ADODB.Connection
    Set cnnTemp = CurrentProject.Connection
    cnnTemp.Execute (strSQLIn)
    RunADOSQLAction = True
    End If
    End Function

    I'm stumped on this one. Not sure why it's not running when executing the VBA code call?

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