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[SQL] How to pair up the same strings in two table where in one of them they have a '?'...

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 17, 2024 às 03:22.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have names of people in a table as primary keys and I have them in another as foreign keys except in this second table they have been occasionally recorded faultily, with a '?' symbol replacing a character. I'm looking to eventually update this second table with the correct names, but for now I would just like to select a list of faulty names paired up with the respective correct names. I came up with the idea to replace every '?' with an '_' character in the names hoping it would act as the wildcard character marking the place of exactly one missing character so I could join the two tables on a LIKE statement. However when I run the SQL query below I get zero rows returned (even though I know there should be plenty):

    table1 T1
    table2 T2
    T1.Name LIKE REPLACE(T2.Name, '?', '_')
    T2.NAME REGEXP '[?]';

    I'm suspecting it treats the '_' symbol as part of the string instead of a wildcard character? If that's the case, how should I write it to get the correct results?

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