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[SQL] How to Optimize Multiple SQL Queries with Similar Joins and Conditions in a Stored...

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Novembro 13, 2024.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I'm currently working with a large dataset in SQL Server, and I have three different SELECT queries that I need to execute, each with slightly different conditions:

    -- Query 1
    SELECT * FROM Customers
    WHERE CustomerID > 80;

    -- Query 2
    SELECT * FROM Customers
    WHERE CustomerID = 1;

    -- Query 3
    SELECT * FROM Customers
    WHERE Country = 'Mexico';

    Each query uses the same set of JOIN clauses and additional conditions like this:

    FROM Customers C
    LEFT JOIN Orders O ON C.CustomerID = O.CustomerID
    LEFT JOIN OtherTables OT ON C.SomeID = OT.SomeID
    WHERE C.Active = 1 -- Common condition
    AND O.OrderStatus = 'Completed'

    My Current Approach

    I'm using a stored procedure where I execute all three queries one after another, and each result is stored in a different variable using SET:

    SET @result1 = (/* Query 1 with common joins and conditions */);
    SET @result2 = (/* Query 2 with common joins and conditions */);
    SET @result3 = (/* Query 3 with common joins and conditions */);

    However, executing these queries takes a lot of time due to the large amount of data, and sometimes it even kills the session, resulting in no output.

    What I Need Help With

    1. Optimization: How can I optimize this stored procedure to reduce execution time and prevent the session from getting killed?
    2. Efficient Use of Joins: Is there a way to avoid repeating the common JOIN and WHERE conditions for each query while still storing the results in separate variables?
    3. Best Practices: Are there any best practices for handling multiple queries with similar joins and conditions in SQL Server?

    I attempted to use CTEs to reduce repetition, but CTEs only allow one SELECT statement to follow, which doesn't work for my requirement of storing multiple results into different variables.

    Any suggestions on how to optimize these queries or the stored procedure itself would be greatly appreciated!

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