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[SQL] How to enforce server side security for deeply nested tables in SQL databases in an...

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 10, 2024 às 13:13.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have a SQL database where all user connections are controlled by the Usertable. Say I want to verify User owns a nested object on the server side like :

    User-> Profile-> Land-> House-> Bedroom-> Lamp ( all connected with Foreign Keys)

    Am I forced to perform table JOIN for each level like this ?

    SELECT l.*
    FROM lamps l
    JOIN bedrooms b ON l.bedroomId = b.id
    JOIN houses h ON b.houseId = h.id
    JOIN lands ld ON h.landId = ld.id
    JOIN profiles p ON ld.profileId = p.id
    JOIN users u ON p.userId = u.id
    WHERE u.id = :userId;

    Or is there a more elegant way to do this ?

    My goal with this is to prevent bad actors from performing requests while authenticated to access records they do not own ( my ids are serialized BIGINT for everything except user that has a uuid )

    Currently my only server side validation is checking if a user is authenticated but not if whatever they are fetching belongs to them.

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