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[SQL] How to calculate DAU, MAU based on daily clicks with SQL

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Novembro 5, 2024 às 17:32.

  1. Stack

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    DAU - daily active users, the number of users who use the product one or more times in a day (it doesn't matter if the user spent the whole day or made one click in the app - we count it as one user)

    MAU - Monthly Active Users, the number of users who use the product one or more times per month.

    SF - Sticky Factor. A metric calculated daily as DAU/MAU * 100%. Here we use MAUs for the previous 30 days, so the MAU boundaries shift with each date.

    We have a table clicks with date, product and user.


    And expected result is:


    DAU is easily calculated by COUNT(DISTINCT(user)). I've tried to find MAU using Window fuction and CTE (as in code snippet below), but with no success.

    WITH RECURSIVE t(date) AS (
    CURRENT_DATE as date
    ,c1.product AS cmd
    ,COUNT(DISTINCT(c1.user)) as mau
    FROM clicks c1
    WHERE (c1.date BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE - interval '30 day' AND CURRENT_DATE)
    GROUP BY 1, 2
    (t.date - interval '1 day')::DATE date,
    ,COUNT(DISTINCT(c2.user)) as mau
    FROM t, clicks c2
    WHERE (c2.date BETWEEN t.date - interval '30 day' AND t.date)
    GROUP BY 1, 2)
    SELECT *
    FROM t;

    How to build a query to this table to calculate DAU, MAU and SF for each product and day?

    Continue reading...

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