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[SQL] Fetch last row for each month, or previous month if not found

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 28, 2024 às 08:13.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have a table balance_history that has the following structure and data (simplified)

    Account Balance Transaction_date
    a 100 29/09/2024
    a 75 20/08/2024
    a 65 18/08/2024
    b 50 15/08/2024
    c 200 10/07/2024

    The balance of an account appears on that table only when there is a transaction. I can get the current/up-to-date balance of each account by running rank over partition statement for the entire table.

    However, what I need is to show the monthly balance of each account. That means, if there was no transaction for a particular month, I want the query to search from the previous months and find the last transaction which has the latest balance (there is id column).

    I want to show this outcome:

    Month Account Balance
    07/2024 a 0
    07/2024 b 0
    07/2024 c 200
    08/2024 a 75
    08/2024 b 50
    08/2024 c 200
    09/2024 a 100
    09/2024 b 50
    09/2024 c 200

    As you see, even though there was no transaction for account c in September, I want to still show the balance. How can I can do this?

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