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[SQL] Create an XML table from a SQL table where the SQL column headings are the first row?

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Novembro 7, 2024 às 19:32.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I am trying to select values from a SQL table as an XML table with a particular format.

    Using the following table...

    SELECT x.*
    INTO #t
    FROM (VALUES (1, 'John', 'Doe')) x(Id, FirstName, LastName)

    SELECT *
    FROM #t


    I would need an XML output that looked something like this...


    I was able to get an output matching this using UNION and XML PATH...

    SELECT t1.*
    INTO #t
    FROM (VALUES (1, 'John', 'Doe')) t1(Id, FirstName, LastName);

    WITH t2(xmlTable) AS (
    SELECT t3.Id 'Column'
    ,t3.FirstName 'Column'
    ,t3.LastName 'Column'
    FROM (
    SELECT *
    FROM (VALUES ('Id', 'FirstName', 'LastName')) t4(Id, FirstName, LastName)
    SELECT CONVERT(varchar(15), #t.Id)
    ,CONVERT(varchar(15), #t.FirstName)
    ,CONVERT(varchar(15), #t.LastName)
    FROM #t) t3
    FOR XML PATH ('Row'), ROOT('Table'))

    SELECT t2.xmlTable
    FROM t2


    But this seems wildly cumbersome. Is there a more elegant solution for this? Specifically, can I do this without the UNION, perhaps using only XML PATH?

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