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Sending telegram messages via madelineProto does not work

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Vladislav, Outubro 25, 2024 às 05:22.

  1. Vladislav

    Vladislav Guest

    I try to send a message to a telegram supergroup in two ways:
    tinker(working method):

    > $api = new danog\MadelineProto\API('session.madeline');
    > $api->start();
    > $api->sendMessage(peer: -1002056889962, message: 'TEST test <br /> TEST test', parseMode: danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode::HTML, replyToMsgId: 11164, topMsgId: 11164);

    Console command launched in scheduler(not working method):


    namespace App\Console\Commands;

    use App\MailingStatusEnum;
    use App\Models\Mailing;
    use App\Models\TelegramGroup;
    use App\Models\TelegramUser;
    use App\Models\Topic;
    use danog\MadelineProto\API;
    use danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile;
    use danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode;
    use Illuminate\Console\Command;
    use Throwable;

    class SendMailingsCommand extends Command
    * The name and signature of the console command.
    * @var string
    protected $signature = 'app:send-mailings-command';

    * The console command description.
    * @var string
    protected $description = 'check and send mailings';

    * Execute the console command.
    public function handle(): void
    $lockFile = '/tmp/telegram_bot_mailing.lock';
    $hour = now()->hour;
    $minute = now()->minute;
    $second = now()->second;
    $startTime = "startTime $hour:$minute:$second:";

    if (file_exists($lockFile)) {

    file_put_contents($lockFile, 'running');

    if (Mailing::query()->where('status', MailingStatusEnum::pROCESSING)->count() > 0) {

    $madelineProto = new API('session.madeline');

    $mailing = Mailing::query()
    ->where('status', MailingStatusEnum::NEW)

    if (!$mailing) {

    try {
    $mailing->update(['status' => MailingStatusEnum::pROCESSING]);

    foreach ($mailing->telegram_group_ids as $telegramGroupId) {
    $group = TelegramGroup::query()->find($telegramGroupId);

    $text = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $mailing->text) . '<br /><br />';

    ->whereIn('role_id', $mailing->role_ids)
    ->each(function (TelegramUser $telegramUser) use (&$text) {
    $text .= $telegramUser->telegram_tag ? ' @'.$telegramUser->telegram_tag : " <a href='tg://user?id={$telegramUser->id}'>$telegramUser->name</a>";
    $media = [];

    $mediaFiles = $mailing->getMedia();

    foreach ($mediaFiles as $index => $mediaFile) {
    if ($file = $this->handleFile($mediaFile, $index, $text, $mediaFiles->count())) {
    logger('file', [$file]);
    $media[] = $file;

    'media_files' => $media

    $resultMailing = null;

    ->whereIn('name', $mailing->topic_ids)
    ->each(function(Topic $topic) use ($media, $madelineProto, $group, $text, $startTime) {
    $resultMailing = count($media) === 0
    ? $madelineProto
    peer: $group->telegram_id,
    message: $text,
    parseMode: ParseMode::HTML,
    replyToMsgId: $topic->topic_id,
    topMsgId: $topic->topic_id,
    : $madelineProto
    peer: $group->telegram_id,
    reply_to_msg_id: $topic->topic_id,
    top_msg_id: $topic->topic_id,
    multi_media: $media,
    ->info("$startTime sending mailing", ['resultMailing' => $resultMailing, 'group' => $group]);


    $mailing->update(['status' => MailingStatusEnum::SENDED]);
    } catch (Throwable $e) {
    ->info("$startTime ошибка рассылки", ['error' => $e, 'mailing' => $mailing]);
    'status' => MailingStatusEnum::FAILED,
    'error' => [$e],


    protected function handleFile($mediaFile, int $index, string $text, $count): array|null
    $filePath = $mediaFile->getPath();
    $mimeType = mime_content_type($filePath);

    return [
    '_' => 'inputSingleMedia',
    'media' => [
    '_' => 'inputMediaUploadedDocument',
    'force_file' => true,
    'file' => new LocalFile($filePath),
    'mime_type' => $mimeType,
    'attributes' => [
    ['_' => 'documentAttributeFilename', 'file_name' => basename($filePath)]
    'message' => $index === $count - 1 ? $text : '',
    'parse_mode' => ParseMode::HTML,

    As a result, when sending a message through Tinker, it is sent perfectly, but if I use the console command called by the scheduler, I get the error: This peer is not present in the internal peer database

    I've already tried a lot, although when I noticed that everything works through the tinker, but not through the scheduler, now I can't get it out of my head and I don't know where to go next


    ADDITION: Not in all cases when working with the scheduler I get an error, but here is one of the rather strange cases that I don’t know how to solve

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