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Read into HTML input with QR scanner while disable virtual keyboard showing up automatically

Discussão em 'Angular' iniciado por dkyc, Setembro 28, 2024 às 15:23.

  1. dkyc

    dkyc Guest

    I have a web app where I want to read from the QR scanner on a Honeywell EDA57 terminal (runs Android 12 and latest mobile Chrome) and other similar devices. It works well except when I want to disable the virtual keyboard that pops up, while reading from hardware, which i believe essentially acts like a keyboard.

    I would like to:

    • Disable virtual keyboard popping up automatically
    • Be able to pull the keyboard if needed for a manual entry.

    I've successfully disabled the popup but when I do that QR scanner won't read into the input field.

    <input inputmode="text" virtualkeyboardpolicy="manual">

    What can I do to achieve this behaviour without preventing the QR scanner from working?

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