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Query not returning any results with Laravel

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por srikanth saladi, Outubro 7, 2024 às 03:32.

  1. $arrData = self::select('thirdparty_app.*','app_match.*')
    ->join('thirdparty_app_match as app_match', 'thirdparty_app.thirdparty_app_id', 'app_match.thirdparty_app_id')
    'thirdparty_app.manufacturer_id' => $manufacturer_id,
    'app_match.disabled' => 0,
    'app_match.product_id' => $product_id,
    'thirdparty_app.language_id' => $language_id
    ])->where('thirdparty_app.url', '<>', '')->get()->toArray();

    Above query was fine when I checked by converting to raw sql query and getting results. But with this laravel format some how it was returning empty results.

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