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[Python] Unable to Bypass Cloudflare in Cloud Environment Scraping

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 28, 2024 às 03:42.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo


    I am trying to implement a scraping process that bypasses Cloudflare in an OCI environment, but I am not successful. It works in my local environment using several methods, but it fails in the cloud environment. Should I assume that OCI's IP addresses are blacklisted by Cloudflare?

    If anyone has knowledge about this, I would appreciate your guidance.

    What I've Tried

    Scraping with Python

    • nodriver: Module
    • drissionpage: Module
    • flaresolverr: Docker proxy


    • Machine: Mac mini with M2 chip
    • macOS: Sonoma 14.6.1

    • OKE (Oracle Linux, ARM-based)
    • OCI Instance (Oracle Linux, ARM-based, Ubuntu)


    • Local: Successfully bypasses Cloudflare on Mac
    • Cloud: Fails to bypass Cloudflare on OCI instance (though the process finishes normally)

    • Local: Successfully bypasses Cloudflare on Mac
    • Cloud: Fails to bypass Cloudflare on OCI instance (though the process finishes normally)

    • Local: Successfully bypasses Cloudflare by running Docker Compose to set up a proxy container and using the proxy in Python
    • Cloud (OKE): Fails to bypass Cloudflare with the proxy container running on a pod and Python using the proxy (process finishes normally)
    • Cloud (OCI Instance): Fails to bypass Cloudflare with the proxy container running on the instance and Python using the proxy (process finishes normally)

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