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[Python] split long hex string into 8 byte segments starting from the END

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 7, 2024 às 01:52.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    If I run this code, I get segments starting from the beginning. I need this code for little-endian purposes so I have to reverse the order since I will be pushing bytes on the stack and the last bytes at the end are actuall first. The order is correct. The issue is that if I segment them by 8 bytes, it starts at the beginning. The last segment is not 8 bytes, it is 3 so I want to start from the end. Any ideas?

    import sys
    from textwrap import wrap
    string = sys.argv[1]
    data = string.encode().hex()
    s = bytes.hex(value)
    print(wrap(s, width=8))

    To run it, its just python3 this_script.py "this is a long string".

    Currently, the output looks like this:

    ['676e6972', '74732067', '6e6f6c20', '61207369', '20736968', '74']

    I want it to start at the end, from 74. Here is what I would like output to look like.

    ['67', '6e697274', '7320676e', '6f6c2061', '20736920', '73696874']

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