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[Python] Sorting a list of IP addresses into unique network address with the ranges of host...

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 4, 2024 às 07:02.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have a list of IP addresses from an API call:

    ips = ["","","","","","","",""]

    I want to have a list of IP addresses that looks like:

    ips = ["","","",""]

    Or a result based on the suggested answer:

    ips = [("", ""),("", ""),("", ""),("","")]

    If the network address is equal join the smallest to largest host address. If there is one host address per network address create a range out of said host address. If the network address is different start a new element and repeat.

    I've read a number of other posts where they say to use socket module and bitwise operators to sort through IP addresses which is how the original IP list gets sorted:

    sortedAddresses = sorted(
    ips, key=lambda ip: struct.unpack("!L", inet_aton(ip))[0]

    The networks I can smash together really easy with some regex and make them all unique:

    net = []
    host = []
    for ip in sortedAddresses:
    l = re.split("(.*)\\.(.*)\\.(.*)\\.(.*)", ip)
    networks = []
    for l in net:
    if l not in networks:
    hosts = []
    for l in host:
    for e in l:

    Print Networks: [['10', '135', '0'], ['10', '135', '1'], ['10', '160', '150'], ['10', '255', '255']]

    Print Hosts:['80', '81', '83', '200', '220', '2', '7', '2']

    I think Joran's answer here with the socket module is the closest thing I've found to being my solution. I just can't figure out how I would sort through the list of hosts to determine the start and end in my original list or hosts list.

    The suggested answer I received before posting is close as well except it would create to many ranges. I want the network addresses to be unique per range.

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