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[Python] Run all jupyter notebooks inside folder and subfolders in an ordered manner and...

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 10, 2024.

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    Stack Membro Participativo

    I want to run (in an alphabetical order, not in parallel) all jupyter notebooks inside a folder that contain many subfolders.

    • Each subfolder may contain other folders.
    • Folders contain jupyter notebooks and the resulting outcome (csv, json, excel, jpg files).
    • It is important that files run in order, since the outcome of one notebook is used by others as input source.

    As jupyter notebooks are executed, I would like the see a print stating the jupyter notebook and the path.

    Until now I would create a jupyter notebook inside each folder, and run inside all the jupyter notebooks from the same folder using %run samplenotebook1.ipynb. However, this becomes tedious when there are numerous folders and subfolders and thus I need to speed up.

    I have tried the solution from this post, the notebook seems to be running but if I open any of the folders where jupyter notebooks are supposed to run, I cannot see any file generated from running the jupyter notebooks.

    Code below is the one I used, but the result was not the desired one.

    import papermill as pm
    from glob import glob

    for nb in glob('*.ipynb'):

    I have also tried code below, I get a print as if it were done, but it only runs notebooks in the folder, not in subfolders.

    import papermill as pm
    from pathlib import Path

    for nb in Path('../').glob('*.ipynb'):
    output_path=nb # Path to save executed notebook
    print ('done')

    Code above will run jupyter notebooks from the path, but not from inner folders. I tried adding /* in the path, but it would not work.

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