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[Python] Python Virtual Environment Error Configuring SDK in PyCharm

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 4, 2024 às 19:52.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I'm trying to create a Python virtual environment in PyCharm but keep getting this error:

    Error Configuring SDK

    Error configuring SDK: No flavor detected for B:/myproject/.venv/Scripts/python.exe sdk. Please make sure that B:\myproject\.venv\Scripts\python.exe is a valid home path for this SDK type.

    However, it appears that the environment is created just fine. I can activate it from a terminal and install packages. Yet PyCharm refuses to add it, so something is wrong.

    When creating the environment, PyCharm has three base interpreter options (3.11 and 3.12, and a 3.12 install in %localappdata%\Microsoft\). I'm using the default option at %localappdata%\Programs\Python\Python312\python.exe. This is the one used by py in terminal. However, when I run py --version inside the virtual environment, I get 3.11.3. Outside it I get 3.12.0.

    This has worked fine plenty of times before, and I have no idea what changed.

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