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[Python] python unittest ModuleNotFoundError: No module named <...>

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 5, 2024 às 10:52.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I tried to crate simple Python project with flask and unittest. Structure is quite simple:

    |- index.html
    |- layout.html

    Very simple class in printinfo.py:

    import psutil
    import json
    class SysInfo:
    def displayInfo(self):
    return json.dumps(self.__data)

    And simple flask server run with sysinfo.py:

    from flask import Flask, flash, redirect, render_template, request, session, abort
    from printinfo import SysInfo
    import json
    obj1 = SysInfo("gb")
    app = Flask(__name__)
    def index():
    var = json.loads(obj1.displayInfo())
    return render_template('index.html',**locals())
    def healthcheck():
    return "Ok"
    def all():
    return obj1.displayInfo()
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run(host='', port=80)
    del obj1

    I run it with python sysinfo.py staying in classes/sysinfo folder and everything works ok.

    So I decided to run unittest for my application. Put in classes/tests ( also tried classes/sysinfo/tests) file test_sysinfo.py with code:

    import unittest
    import printinfo
    from sysinfo import sysinfo
    import json
    import sys
    class TestFlaskApi(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
    self.app = sysinfo.app.test_client()
    def simple_test(self):
    response = self.app.get('/health')
    {'healthcheck': 'ok'}
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    And when I started it I can see error:

    Error Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "\Python\Python37-32\lib\unittest\case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor
    yield File "\Python\Python37-32\lib\unittest\case.py", line 615, in run
    testMethod() File "\Python\Python37-32\lib\unittest\loader.py", line 34, in testFailure
    raise self._exception ImportError: Failed to import test module: test_sysinfo Traceback (most recent call last): File
    "\Python\Python37-32\lib\unittest\loader.py", line 154, in
    module = __import__(module_name) File "\classes\sysinfo\tests\test_sysinfo.py", line 2, in <module>
    import printinfo ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'printinfo'

    I read several articles, some topics here on StackOverflow for my understanding it's related to project structure. I tried to create setup.py and setup.cfg. I managed to start it with this setup, but test still didn't work.

    Could you please help me with minimum setup applicable for my case? All the material I found had written for specific case or too general. I cannot apply it for my case.

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