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[Python] Persistent color change after visiting embedded svg graphic link

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 28, 2024 às 18:42.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have a svg graphic that links to various survey pages. The svg paths are embedded between <a href> and </a> to link the graphic to a survey url. Hover works fine. Each #path_xx is a unique survey. After the user completes a survey and is returned to the selection page I want the svg element just visited to change color to indicate that survey has been completed. I have tried several css styles but none have worked:

    #path_cm:hover, #path_rm:hover, #path_is:hover, #path_bc:hover, #path_hr:hover, #path_ict:hover,
    #path_sc:hover, #path_fa:hover, #path_env:hover, #path_hs:hover, #path_em:hover, #path_center:hover {
    opacity: .5;
    stroke: blue;
    stroke-opacity: 1;
    stroke-width: 5

    #path_cm:visited, #path_rm:visited, #path_is:visited, #path_bc:visited, #path_hr:visited, #path_ict:visited,
    #path_sc:visited, #path_fa:visited, #path_env:visited, #path_hs:visited, #path_em:visited, #path_center:visited {
    color: red;
    opacity: .5;

    link:visited svg path{
    color: red;
    opacity: .5;

    Here is the applicable template:

    <a href='{% url 'introduction' %}'>
    <path id="path_bc" fill="#027aff" stroke="none" opacity="0" d="M 210.919983 80.78241 C 210.919983 61.452454 195.249954 45.78241 175.920013 45.78241 C 156.590012 45.78241 140.919983 61.452454 140.919983 80.78241 C 140.919983 100.112366 156.590012 115.78241 175.920013 115.78241 C 195.249954 115.78241 210.919983 100.112366 210.919983 80.78241 Z"/>

    Tried several variations on style; including link:visited svg path_bc and link:visited svg #path_bc.

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