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[Python] Odoo Models linking issues "self.id" giving "_unknown(43,)"

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 10, 2024.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I'm working with Odoo 16 and have encountered a problem with linking two models and handling _unknown values. Specifically, I have two models: nkap_custom_paiement and account.payment.register. The former is a custom model inheriting from account.payment, and the latter is a TransientModel used for payment registration.

    Models Overview:

    nkap_custom_paiement (Inheriting account.payment)

    Has a field related_payment_id that links to account.register.payment. Handles payment approvals and has methods like action_cashier_approval to perform actions on linked payments.

    CustomPaymentRegister (Inheriting account.payment.register)

    Handles the creation of account.payment records and sets the related_payment_id to link back to the wizard.

    I am trying to add an approval process to the payments that are registered through the wizard. After the approval, it should call back the initial method on the wizard (that's why I need to store id)

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    from odoo import models, fields, api, _
    from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError, UserError
    import re

    class nkap_custom_paiement(models.Model):
    # _inherit = 'account.payment'
    _inherit = ['account.payment']

    related_payment_id = fields.Many2one('account.register.payment', string='Related Wizard')
    state = fields.Selection([
    ('draft', 'Drafted'),
    ('waiting_approval', 'Waiting Approval'),
    ('approved', 'Approved'),
    ('rejected', 'Rejected'),
    ('posted', 'Posted'),
    ], string="Approval Status",default='draft')

    DFC_approver_sign = fields.Binary('DFC Signature')
    DG_approver_sign = fields.Binary('DG Signature')
    current_approval = fields.Selection([('1', '1'), ('2', '2'), ('3', '3')], string="Is Current Approver")

    def action_submit_for_approval(self):
    self.write({'state': 'waiting_approval'})
    message = "Vous avez un paiement pour la 1ere approbation"
    self.current_approval = '1'
    self.activity_schedule('purchase_order_approval.mail_activity_data_approval', user_id=company_id.po_third_approver_ids.id, note=message)
    self.env['bus.bus']._sendone(company_id.po_third_approver_ids.partner_id, 'simple_notification', {'title': _("Information"), 'message': message})

    def action_DFC_approval(self):
    if self.env.user.id in company_id.po_third_approver_ids.ids:

    self.current_approval = '2'
    self.write({'state': 'waiting_approval'})
    self.DFC_approver_sign = self.env.user.user_signature
    message = "Vous avez un paiement pour la 2ere approbation "
    self.activity_schedule('purchase_order_approval.mail_activity_data_approval', user_id=company_id.po_DG_approver_ids.id, note=message)
    raise ValidationError(_("Seul %s peut approver !"% company_id.po_third_approver_ids.id ))

    def action_DG_approval(self):
    if self.env.user.id in company_id.po_DG_approver_ids.ids:

    self.write({'state': 'approved'})
    self.current_approval = '3'
    self.DG_approver_sign = self.env.user.user_signature
    message = "Vous avez un paiement pour la validation"
    self.activity_schedule('purchase_order_approval.mail_activity_data_approval', user_id=company_id.po_fourth_approver_ids.id, note=message)
    raise ValidationError(_("Seul %s peut approver !"% company_id.po_DG_approver_ids.id ))

    def action_cashier_approval(self):
    if self.env.user.id in company_id.po_fourth_approver_ids.ids:
    self.write({'state': 'posted'})

    if self.related_payment_id:
    related_payment = self.env['account.payment.register'].browse(self.related_payment_id)

    if related_payment.exists():
    # Call a method on the related payment record
    _logger.error("Related payment record with ID %s does not exist", self.related_payment_id.id)
    raise ValidationError(_("Seul %s peut approver !"% company_id.po_fourth_approver_ids.id ))

    def action_reject(self):
    current_approver = None
    if self.current_approval =='1':
    elif self.current_approval =='2':
    raise UserError(_(f"{self.current_approval},{type(self.current_approval)}"))
    if self.env.user.id in current_approver.ids:
    self.write({'state': 'rejected'})

    raise ValidationError(_("Seul %s peut refuser cette DA !" % current_approver.name))

    def rollback(self):
    '''to cancel all the signature already done to false'''
    'DFC_approver_sign': False,
    'DG_approver_sign': False,
    'current_approval': False,

    class CustomPaymentRegister(models.TransientModel):
    _inherit = 'account.payment.register'
    payment_id = fields.Many2one('account.payment', string='Created Payment')

    def _collect_payment_vals(self):

    payment_vals = {
    'amount': self.amount,
    'partner_id': self.partner_id.id,
    'journal_id': self.journal_id.id,
    'payment_method_line_id': self.payment_method_line_id.id,
    'date': self.payment_date,
    'currency_id': self.currency_id.id,
    'ref': self.communication,
    'partner_bank_id': self.partner_bank_id.id,
    'bank_reference': self.bank_reference,
    'cheque_reference': self.cheque_reference,

    return payment_vals

    def action_submit_for_approval(self):
    payment_vals = self._collect_payment_vals()
    payment = self.env['account.payment'].create(payment_vals)
    self.payment_id = payment.id
    payment.related_payment_id = self.id

    # raise ValidationError(_(f"{self.id}// {payment.related_payment_id}//{number}"))
    # Call the approval flow for each payment created

    I have tried several ways to link the both model through the field payment_id in account.register.payment model and related_payment_id in account.payment, but it is still giving the self_id in this _unknown(actual_id,)

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