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[Python] Odd errors when trying to verify a requests.post call using pytest-mockito

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 28, 2024 às 18:02.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I'm trying out the pytest-mockito library for some unit testing (I'm primarily a kotlin/java engineer and I think the mockito syntax reads a bit nicer). Most of it makes sense, but I'm running into a weird error when trying to verify a post request.

    class TestSuite:
    def test_verify_we_sent_data_somewhere(self):
    api_url = "http://www.somebooksearch.biz/search"
    payload = {"title": "An updated title", "isbn": 12345}


    verify(requests).post(api_url, data=None, json=payload)

    # Implementation:

    def update_book(payload):
    requests.post("http://www.somebooksearch.biz/search", json=payload)

    When I fire my test case I get the error:

    verify(requests).post(api_url, json=payload, **kwargs) E mockito.mockito.ArgumentError: obj '<module 'requests' from '/Users/cschmitz/Engineering/projects/classroom-book-tracker/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/requests/init.py'>' is not registered

    example_test.py:93: ArgumentError

    It's weird though because I have a different test case where I'm mocking a get request and it passes just fine:

    def test_mock_an_external_library_but_without_comments(self):
    api_url = "http://www.somebooksearch.biz/search"

    mock_response = mock({
    "json": lambda: {"books": [{"title": "Some book title", "isbn": "123456"}]}


    actual = get_book_list()

    assert actual == [{"title": "Some book title", "isbn": "123456"}]

    # Implementation
    def get_book_list():
    response = requests.get("http://www.somebooksearch.biz/search")
    data = response.json()
    return data["books"]

    I see it's saying there's an argument error, but I'm not sure exactly what it means. I know the library's walkthrough says that the mock arguments are really picky, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm missing or have wrong. Any help is appreciated!

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