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[Python] Numba cuda.jit and njit giving different results

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Outubro 2, 2024 às 12:42.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    In the following example, I have a simple CPU function:

    import numpy as np
    from numba import njit, cuda

    def cpu_func(a, b, c, d):
    for i in range(len(a)):
    for l in range(d, 0, -1):
    for j in range(l):
    a[i, j] = (b * a[i, j] + (1.0 - b) * a[i, j + 1]) / c

    return a[:, 0]

    and an equivalent GPU implementation of the same function above:

    def _gpu_func(a, b, c, d, out):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    if i < len(a):
    for l in range(d, 0, -1):
    for j in range(l):
    a[i, j] = (b * a[i, j] + (1.0 - b) * a[i, j + 1]) / c
    out = a[i, 0]

    def gpu_func(a, b, c, d):
    d_a = cuda.to_device(a)
    d_b = cuda.to_device(b)
    d_c = cuda.to_device(c)
    d_d = cuda.to_device(d)
    d_out = cuda.device_array(len(a))

    threads_per_block = 64
    blocks_per_grid = 128
    _gpu_func[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](d_a, d_b, d_c, d_d, d_out)
    out = d_out.copy_to_host()

    return out

    However, when I call BOTH functions with the same inputs, I am getting very different results:

    a = np.array([[
    1.150962188573305234e+00, 1.135924188549360281e+00, 1.121074496043255930e+00, 1.106410753047196494e+00, 1.091930631080626046e+00,
    1.077631830820479752e+00, 1.063512081736074144e+00, 1.049569141728566635e+00, 1.035800796774924315e+00, 1.022204860576360286e+00,
    1.008779174211164253e+00, 9.955216057918859773e-01, 9.824300501268078412e-01, 9.695024283856580327e-01, 9.567366877695103744e-01,
    9.441308011848159598e-01, 9.316827669215179686e-01, 9.193906083351972569e-01, 9.072523735331967654e-01, 8.952661350646772265e-01,
    8.834299896145549891e-01, 8.717420577012704452e-01, 8.602004833783417626e-01, 8.488034339396569594e-01, 8.375490996284553624e-01,
    8.264356933499517055e-01, 8.154614503875622367e-01, 8.046246281226814290e-01, 7.939235057579688837e-01, 7.833563840441006842e-01,
    7.729215850099430130e-01, 7.626174516961046201e-01, 7.524423478918242925e-01, 7.423946578751554615e-01, 7.324727861564024334e-01,
    7.226751572247696043e-01, 7.130002152981841368e-01, 7.034464240762497989e-01, 6.940122664962961041e-01, 6.846962444924807878e-01,
    6.754968787579095357e-01, 6.664127085097342196e-01, 6.574422912571935562e-01, 6.485842025725561122e-01, 6.398370358649341227e-01,
    6.311994021569281577e-01, 6.226699298640693270e-01, 6.142472645770222783e-01, 6.059300688465173446e-01, 5.977170219709739829e-01,
    b = np.array([1.533940813369776279e+00])
    c = np.array([1.018336794718317062e+00])
    d = np.array([50], dtype=np.int64)

    cpu_func(a.copy(), b, c, d) # Produces array([0.74204214])
    gpu_func(a.copy(), b, c, d) # Produces array([0.67937252])

    I understand that numerical precision can be an issue (e.g., overflow/underflow) and each compiler may optimize the code differently (e.g., fused multiply-and-add) but, setting that aside for now, is there some way to ensure/force the CPU code and the GPU code to both produce the SAME output (up to 4-5 decimal places)? Or maybe there is some clever way to improve the precision?

    Additional Validation

    For completeness, I attempted to perform the same computation using the mpmath package which claims to provide fixed precision capabilities:

    import mpmath
    mpmath.mp.dps = 100 # Precision

    def mpmath_cpu_func(a, b, c, d):
    for i in range(a.rows):
    for l in range(d, 0, -1):
    for j in range(l):
    a[i, j] = (b * a[i, j] + (1.0 - b) * a[i, j + 1]) / c
    return a[:, 0]

    # Convert inputs to mpmath types with high precision
    mp_a = mpmath.matrix(a.copy())
    mp_b = [mpmath.mpf(b[0])]
    mp_c = [mpmath.mpf(c[0])]

    mpmath_cpu_func(mp_a, mp_b, mp_c, d) # Produces 0.6437936631521025134120893449259526501570815932590336962866204821325669837084863594586770052271924716

    Note that the high precision result is also different from the CPU and GPU results above. Is there is some clever way to improve the precision of the GPU/CPU implementations above? I would be happy to get within 4-5 decimal places of agreement amongst all three versions.

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