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[Python] I want to fetch a data from another python file everytime i execute the other one

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 27, 2024 às 15:52.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I know that whenever i use from my_file_contains_data.py import data_i_want i can access the data i want and i can use it for 'if' statements. but in 'my_file_contains_data.py' file, the 'data_i_want' is a variable that can changes. and when the 'data_i_want' changes, it does not change in the main file i work, it always stays the same value in the beginning.

    Here are my codes: main file:

    from cmds.channelproctection import curstat
    async def on_guild_channel_delete(channel):
    if channel.guild.id == my_guild_id and curstat==1:
    memberRole = channel.guild.get_role(693197190377766931) # Server's Default Member Role ID.
    async for entry in channel.guild.audit_logs(limit=1, action=discord.AuditLogAction.channel_delete):
    if not entry.user.id == 472911936951156740:
    await entry.user.edit(nick='some swear words', roles=[memberRole], reason='Deleting a Channel.')
    await channel.clone(reason=f'Channel re-opened because {entry.user.name} deleted the channel.')
    await chan2.send(f"@everyone, {entry.user.mention}, deleted **{channel.name}** channel. some swears")
    except Forbidden:
    ownerid = bot.get_user(owners[0])
    chan = await ownerid.create_dm()
    chan3 = await bot.get_user(my_friends_id).create_dm()
    await channel.clone(reason=f"@everyone, {entry.user.mention}, deleted **{channel.name}** channel. some swears")
    await chan.send(f"{entry.user.name}, removed {channel.name}.")
    await chan3.send(f"{entry.user.name}, removed {channel.name} ")
    elif channel.guild.id == my_guild_id and curstat==0:
    async for entry in channel.guild.audit_logs(limit=1, action=discord.AuditLogAction.channel_delete):
    if not entry.user.id == 472911936951156740: # VoiceMaster ID
    ownerid = bot.get_user(owners[0])
    chan = await ownerid.create_dm()
    await chan.send(f"Channel protection is off but {entry.user.name}, removed {channel.name}!")
    elif channel.guild.id == IEEM and curstat not in [0, 1]:
    print('there is a huge problem!')
    await bot.close()

    channel-protection (a.k.a 'my_file_contains_data'):


    @commands.command(aliases = ["chanprot", 'chapro',"sex"],hidden=True)
    async def channelprotection(ctx, state : str):
    global curstat
    if state in ["open", "turnon", "on", '1']:
    if not curstat==1:
    curstat = 1
    await ctx.message.add_reaction("✅")
    await ctx.send("Channel protection is on!",reference=ctx.message, mention_author=False)
    await ctx.message.add_reaction("")
    await ctx.send("Already On.")
    elif state in ['close', 'turnoff', 'off', '0']:
    if not curstat==0:
    curstat = 0
    await ctx.message.add_reaction("✅")
    await ctx.send("Caution, Channel protection is disabled!",reference=ctx.message, mention_author=False)
    await ctx.message.add_reaction("")
    await ctx.send("Already Off.")
    await ctx.send("Use open for turning on, use close for turning of.")

    async def setup(bot):

    When i used turn off command, it gives me a reply but 'curstat' variable doesn't changes so bot still recreates channels when i or someone trys to remove a channel. i tried adding the line from cmds.channelproctection import curstat after event handlers and define function like this:

    async def on_guild_channel_delete(channel):
    from cmds.channelprotection import curstat
    if channel.guild.id == 693193721612861511 and curstat==1:

    it worked but i dont think this usage is correct. is this true, did i solve my problem or is there a good and logical way to 'fix' this issue?

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