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[Python] How to get nice types from python `dataclass` without instantiating the class

Discussão em 'Python' iniciado por Stack, Setembro 27, 2024 às 18:32.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    Let's say I have the following class:

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from typing import Annotated

    class Pizza:
    price: Annotated[float, "money"]
    size: Annotated[float, "dimension"]

    class Topping:
    sauce: Annotated[str, "matter"]

    These are obviously data classes (i.e. for storing data in other words) but I would like to use them for the type hinting as well. For example, it would be quite straightforward to write a functions like:

    def bake_pizza(pizza: Pizza) -> Pizza:
    return new_pizza

    def check_if_vegetarian(topping: Pizza.Topping) -> bool:
    return True

    And the type comparison via e.g. isinstance will work without a problem.

    Now my problem is that if I'm using the attributes, I can obviously not do the same, so for example I cannot write a function like:

    def calculate_cost(cost: Pizza.price) -> float:
    return cost

    because price is an attribute and not a class. I know that instead I could write:

    def calculate_cost(cost: Pizza.__annotations__["price"]) -> float:
    return cost

    Then I would get what I want, but it's for us a bit of a problem that depending on whether it's an attribute or a class the notation is so different. So far the only one possibility to do it without having to distinguish between attributes and classes was to use strings, e.g. "Pizza.Topping" or "Pizza.price", but I'm not sure how clean this method is. Does anyone happen to have a better idea?

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